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Phthalocyanine Pigments Dyes
Phthalocyanine Pigment is used in inks, coatings, and many plastics. The pigment is insoluble and has no tendency to migrate in the material. It is a standard pigment used in printing ink and the packaging industry.
Copper Phthalocyanine Pigment is essentially a copper (II) complex of the tetra aza tetra benzoporphine (CPC). The chlorinated derivative of Copper Phthalocyanine Pigment is Phthalocyanine green (Pigment green 7) and its brominated derivative is Pigment green 36 that comes with a shade that is yellowish green.
An important pigment from the family of Copper phthalocyanine is the C.I. Pigment Blue 15:3. The production steps of which is given here.

Phthalocyanine-pigments1 1
Features of Copper Phthalocyanine Pigments
Some of the striking features which makes it a very useful for a variety of applications are the following:
*.Tinting strength
*.Covering power
*.Light fastness
*.Good stability
*.Resistance to the effects of alkalies and acids

Application of Phthalocyanine Pigment
A major and very useful application of these pigments lies in the manufacturing of cyan printing inks that is used in printing of papers and also in packaging materials.
The Family of Copper Phthalocyanine Pigments
Color Index NameColor IndexCAS NOChemical Family
Pigment Blue 1574160147-14-8Copper Phthalocyanine Blue Alpha Form
Pigment Blue 15:174160147-14-8Copper Phthalocyanine Blue Alpha Form (Stable in Solvent)
Pigment Blue 7742601328-53-6Copper Phthalocyanine (Chlorinated form)
Pigment Blue 3674265068425-85-4Copper Phthalocyanine (Colour-Brominated Green)

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